TVD bolts should be renewed says Gates
Installing incorrect Torsional Vibration Damper bolts or re-using the bolts from a previous installation are practices that have been identified as major causes of premature TVD failure.
Each TVD absorbs vibrations from the crankshaft and protects the belt as well as other components in Auxiliary Belt Drive Systems (ABDS). In doing so, it helps to extend the operational lifetimes of all of the associated components and increase ride comfort for drivers and passengers. However, by absorbing vibrations, over time the TVD becomes subject to wear.
Damaged or worn bolts cause vibrations. These adversely affect the TVD, the belt and subsequently, all of the other components within the drive system. The risk of premature failure increases and in the worst case scenario, shredding of the belt could compromise the timing belt, with disastrous consequences for the engine.
The TVD bolts themselves are not a universal fit. Some TVDs are fixed with a single crankshaft bolt, but with some applications, between three and six bolts are required. This creates potential issues in terms of correct part selection. What’s more, in order to protect the integrity of the TVD and the other associated components, new bolts are essential for every new installation.
The inclusion of bolts with its 20 most popular Torsional Vibration Damper (TVD) applications is a move that offers major benefits to installers, says Gates. As one of the world’s largest manufacturer’s of belts and tensioners for the Original Equipment market, Gates works closely with vehicle and engine manufacturers in order to help to design the most appropriate drive system components for each application.
Gates believes that if new bolts are installed each time TVDs are fitted, it will help to eliminate premature failures.