SynPower™Xtreme B-Tec C3 Motor Oil SAE 5W-30

Low-SAP fully synthetic passenger car motor oil with long-life technology, ultimate protection – For latest Mercedes-Benz Blue Tec and other diesel engines equipped with diesel particle filters, and/or three way catalyst technology SynPower Xtreme B-Tec C3 SAE 5W-30 can be used in modern long-drain Mercedes-Benz, diesel engines, providing ultimate protection even under extreme conditions.
Full synthetic Low SAP engine oil for MercedesBenz and other diesel engines equipped with DPF technology (diesel particle filter), and/or TWC (three way catalyst) or EGR (exhaust gas recirculation).
Suitable for MB diesel engines with environmental friendly exhaust systems, and long-drain intervals up to 30.000 kilometers.
Provides ultimate protection even under extreme conditions.
The product has a higher resistance against the use of bio-fuels.
Approvals/Performance levels:
SAE 5W-30
ACEA: C2-12, C3-12
MB-229.51, MB-229.31
Features and Benefits
Ultimate protection
Through use of synthetic base oil technology SynPower Xtreme B-Tec C3 SAE 5W-30 fights the three major causes of engine stress – heat, deposits and wear.
Extended drain performance
Suitable for long drain intervals according to Mercedes-Benz 229.52, 229.51, 229.31 specifications.
Cold starts
Product has a low pour point, which results in easier cold starting.
Wear protection
Ultimate wear protection enhances engines and DPF lifetime.
Clean engine and the environment
Low SAPS (Sulphated Ash, Phosphorous and Sulphur) formulation prevents deposit build up in diesel particulate filters and reduces exhaust emission
Tags: SynPower, Low SAPS, motor oil, Oils, Valvoline, cars, synthetic motor oils, Mercedes, diesel engine