Upcoming specifications on updated Shell website

Upcoming specifications on updated Shell website

Shell has refreshed its WhatisPC-11.com website with updated information about the upcoming diesel engine oils specifications.


New information includes details about how the specifications are being developedб including testing of the two oil categories that will eventually be released for current and older engines and for 2017 engines.

Shell said WhatisPC-11.com is an industry resource for topics related to PC-11, including what the oil-service categories entailed will meansfor fleets, owner-operators, off-highway vehicles and diesel –powered pickup trucks.

A section, “The Future of Fuel Economy,” has been added that details how fuel economy in Class 8 trucks has increased only slightly over the past 35 years. The page will chronicle the development of the StarShip truck which, will use new PC-11 engine oils and other fuel-efficient lubricants made by Shell.

The StarShip Initiative is a project to break existing fuel-mileage records from Shell Rotella and AirFlow Truck that is part of an industry-wide effort to increase fuel economy.

PC-11 refers to the industry effort to develop two new API oil categories, which are being driven by changes in engine technology to meet emissions, renewable fuel and fuel economy standards for reduced CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions.  In addition, the new specifications will meet test limits refreshed in response to changes in engine hardware and operating conditions.

Tags: Shell, Oils


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